August 26 2020 0Comment
unclogging sink drain

How to unclog the sink drain?

Sometimes, a clogged drain depends on which type of sink it is. A sink might present different challenges than a clogged bathroom due to the kinds of what goes into the drain. So, there are some tips to unclog sink drain.

Grease is usually dragged in kitchen sinks because it catches food particles and debris, which creates a blockage. you’ll be handling a double basin, or a sink clogged past the trap. As well, if your sink features disposal, you would like to take care to not damage the mechanism, and also be careful about safety hazards. you almost certainly want to chop the electricity to your disposal before attempting to repair clogged drains.

Here are a couple of methods which helps you to unclog the sink drain and must consider these methods before calling a plumber for fixing clogged sink issues:

Boiling water:

First, remove the maximum amount of standing water from the sink as possible (using a cup or container). Next, pour a whole pot or kettle of boiling water directly into the drain. you would possibly need to repeat this procedure several times for it to figure, but it’s a simple and cheap fix. If that’s not working, remove the standing water again, then pour salt down the drain before the boiling water. Let it sit, then flush again with predicament to clear.

sink drain opening with baking soda

Vinegar and bicarbonate of soda:

As mentioned above, the reaction caused by these two substances can often clear clogged drains. Remove standing water before adding vinegar. Pour a few cups of bicarbonate of soda directly into the drain and follow with an equal amount of white vinegar. When the fizzing stops, let the mixture sit for about a quarter-hour then run predicament to ascertain if the clog has cleared. A variation on this is often to mix bicarbonate of soda with salt and toss off the drain. this can get to sit for several hours, followed by flushing with boiling water.

P-trap cleaning:

There’s a P-trap at the curve of the sink’s drainpipe (it’s usually within the cabinet underneath the sink). this might be the source for your clog; to unclog it, unfasten the P-trap from the drainpipe, clean it out, then position it back in situ. If there’s a sink clogged past the trap, you’ll use a snake to clear the world past the P-trap. If you’re during a pinch and don’t have a snake, you’ll also try employing a straightened wire clothes hanger.

kitchen sink drain unclogging

Here’s another tip: If you’re getting to use a plunger, make certain to hide the drain on the other side if you’ve got a double basin. The pressure of plunging could cause water or debris to spray up the opposite drain.

If the above-mentioned points don’t help you to unclog sink drain then you must need a professional for this service. HOMD Home Maintenance Dubai is always ready to serve you anytime whether it’s late night or early morning, Our Emergency Handyman plumber is always ready to assist you.


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